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EFT and Self-Love

image by LeandroDeCarvalho @Pixabay

How much do you 'love and accept yourself'? In EFT we use a set up phrase to prompt our brain for the shifts which tapping will enable. It always starts with the acknowledgement of the issue, plus the emotion connected to it, followed by an affirmation of self-assurance. With that, the magic starts to work - you've entered the realm of brain chemistry change, emotion shifting, trauma freedom and so on.

But how do we really love and accept ourselves when we say "even though I have this (skin problem - and it makes me so anxious,) I love and accept myself anyway?"

What is self-acceptance? What is self-love?

There is a wave of mature women allowing their hair to transit into grey, which I'd love to think it's not just a fashion statement or a new hair colour trend. I would rather think that we are making more natural choices guided by a spark of self-love and self-acceptance for who we really are.

After over a decade living in the UK and dealing with hard water and weather damage to my hair, I decided it was time to let it breathe and take a break from dying it every couple of months. I am turning 41 soon and naturally my crown is beginning to show signs of maturity, so I have been colouring it for a while. I also mentioned to some people that I was not going to dye it anymore. All of them gave me the look of insult, as if I had sworn at them.

The truth is I will probably dye it again, maybe get some chic 'caramel' highlights inspired by some social media celeb. But for now, I am diving into an exercise of self-love and self-acceptance. And whenever I choose to colour my hair again, I will do it because I love it so much I want to make it even better, and not because I despise the grey strands on my head.

I often see people struggling with their weight, their skin, their bodies and their addictions. As someone who works with mental health, one can tell when they choose to stay the way they are because they are perfectly comfortable within themselves, or because their self-hatred is so painful that actually prevents them from making a change. Or even, some would spend their lives fruitlessly fighting these issues off, not knowing that no change can be achieved on the outside - body or life - if our motivation is coming from a self-disgust perspective.

The whole idea of self-love and self-acceptance is one that - No, you don't have to give up on changing things that you're not happy about yourself, nevertheless whichever changes you're aiming for must come from a place of self-love, self-care and self-preservation.

So when people chose to take on plastic surgery, do they do it because they love themselves or because they hate themselves?

Love will generate a frequency within your body which will connect you with health professionals who think and see the world the same way, whereas hate will equally connect you with people and situations in accordance to that frequency of thoughts and emotions. So which ones would you choose to connect with?

How much do you love and accept yourself anyway?

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